The Woman in White (Drama) – 1st to 5th October 2019

Sir Percival Glyde, who is being hounded for money by the sinister Count Fosco, marries the heiress Laura Fairlie for her fortune. As events unfold, Glyde’s efforts to secure the money – and also to remove the threat to his reputation posed by the unfortunate Anne Catherick – become more desperate and cruel. Combined with this tale of disturbing intrigue are elements of romance and comedy: the resulting mix is headily entertaining.

Useful Information

Skipton Little Theatre operates a strict no latecomers or re-admittance policy for our shows. This is due to the intimate nature of our theatre space and is, therefore, for the benefit of the actors or performers on stage and audience.

Tickets can be booked through the online booking system.

When booking, please let us know if you have any special requirements and we will do our best to accommodate you. We are wheelchair accessible, please advise when booking.

Upcoming Productions